Summer is approaching in southern Illinois, and that means ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Speed traps, lane reductions, trucks moving on and off the roadway; all distractions, and out of the ordinary on your normal commute. With all this in mind, summer months also bring an increase in auto accidents. The following will act as a checklist on…

As of January 2019, Illinois has a new law on the books that makes texting while driving not only a fine-able offense, but now it is also considered a moving violation. That type of violation can cause your license to be suspended and/or revoked. Our firm works hard for drivers across Southern Illinois to keep…

Winter weather will always raise the amount of motor vehicle accidents, slip & falls, and incidents that can cause, or lead to injury.  Injuries that make an individual miss time at work, lose income, and lead to high medical bills, are all reasons to seek a personal injury claim against a person, company, municipality/government entity. …

Personal injury claims rise Winter weather will always raise the amount of motor vehicle accidents, slip & falls, and incidents that can cause, or lead to injury. Injuries that make an individual miss time at work, lose income, and lead to high medical bills, are all reasons to seek a personal injury claim against a…

The holidays are the best time of the year. We want all of our family members, friends, followers and clients to be safe this holiday season. Spending time with friends and family, extra days off of work, holiday parties; all of .these events are going on while local police forces ramp their patrols and road…

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