Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury, or PI, lawsuits are common and cover a multitude of reasons why a plaintiff may move forward with a case. Whether the case stems from an accident of some kind, or careless actions of another party/entity/company; courts must decide if the defendant is liable and then after decide if either or both punitive and compensatory damages are deserved and what the damages should be. This explanation is an oversimplification of the process, however, our firm is here for our clients every step of the way. We help schedule experts, doctor visits and more to assess the harm that occurred and what damages are sought, and why they are necessary.

We will handle a multitude of personal injury cases from medical malpractice, car or truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, defective products, slip and fall incidents, construction accidents, work related injuries, wrongful deaths and MORE.

Injuries people suffer in accidents can be severe. We have compassion to our client’s situations and work for them to get results. Injuries can bring someone long term or even life-long issues to deal with. We understand that medical bills or even repair bills can cause you immediate financial woes, and cases take time to develop. With all this in mind, we focus our Personal Injury practice solely on our client’s needs and goals. We work with collectors to keep them at bay while the case in ongoing, which is a relief to our clients when they are not being badgered by non stop calls asking for money they do not have currently due to the status of their case. We work to evaluate your claim, explain your options clearly to you, we have experience dealing with businesses and insurance companies to resolve issues as quickly as possible for our clients. If you or a loved on has an injury or claim that you want to proceed with, please contact us and we can begin the process of strategizing the best mode of execution for your case and/or claim. A consultation does not obligate you to retain our firm, and we can work out a plan for you to not have to pay any of our attorney’s fees until your case is decided.


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