Worker’s Compensation Attorney

Worker’s compensation laws were put into place to compensate an injured employee as a result of an at work injury. Benefits are paid to employees who can’t physically work any longer due to said injury. Illinois residents are protected by law against any kind of harassment from medical bill collectors until the case is resolved or payments are determined by court for the pursuant. Furthermore, employee’s are also protected from termination and any kind of workplace discrimination by an employer due to their filing of a worker’s compensation claim. It’s important to know your rights when attempting to file a worker’s compensation claim, our experienced attorneys are here to help you through the process until it’s resolved. Receiving proper and fair compensation requires tenacious work on your behalf. Companies stall, delay medical exams and treatments, or may attempt to block your claim. With our experience, and hard work, we will always fight for our client’s rights.

Many clients ask what workers compensation covers, and we have some of that information listed below:
Medical care that is deemed necessary to cure an illness or repair an injury incurred at work. This includes emergency medical treatment such as surgery, pharmaceuticals, prosthetics, alterations of your living space and/or vehicle, rehabilitation services and activities.
Temporary total disability as well as partial disability, which is how you can be paid while missing work or working light duty. Permanent total disability as well as permanent partial disability is how you would be compensated if you can’t work at all in the future, or if you CAN work but on lighter duty or a different/less paying job than you had during your injury. We also handle the unfortunate cases of death benefits to surviving family members.

Public safety employees such as police/fire/ems are also included under the worker’s compensation laws in Illinois. There is also potential that certain employees are eligible for benefits from the Public Employees Disability Act, and moreover even coverage from the Illinois Pension Code. To get the maximum benefit available for our clients we work tirelessly to understand the relationship between these codes and laws, always with our client’s best intentions in mind. We work for you, because accidents that keep you from working should not have to change the way you live your life. Hiring a competent attorney with the skills and experience in this area of the law will ease our potential client’s mind, and we try to make the best out of a potentially bad situation.


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